Extra Handlebar Mount - One80 Bike Light
Extra Handlebar Mount - One80 Bike Light
Extra Handlebar Mount for you One80 Bike Light.
Easy attach and remove.
Perfect for keeping on that extra bike to make swapping the bike light fast and easy.
It is long lasting and pretty stable for nyc bumps. it took a few years for me to have to replace the light it due to the bumpy nyc roads tha cause it to fall off the clip.
Thanks for the replacement parts, god bless.
My son has this light mounted on his electric scooter. Being a high schooler, he parks it in the bike rack and sometimes it gets knocked over. We have had to replace a couple mounts but the performance of the light and the quick response and action from customer service combine to make a great product.
My handlebar mount broke and when I contacted One80, they quickly sent me two handlebar mounts for free. Thank you so much! What an amazing company. I love my One80 Light!
My180 Bike Light mount broke when I tried to tighten the holder. I emailed CS on this issue and they promptly offered to send me a replacement. I received the replacement quite quickly. Happy with my experience with the light and their subsequent CS.